10 human foods that are safe for dogs

10 human foods that are safe for dogs

Many pet owners tend to share their own food with their pets. After all, it can be hard to say no to the puppy eyes watching you while you cook or eat. However, humans and dogs metabolize food differently, and so, what is safe and healthy for you can be dangerous for your four-legged companion. So, here are a few safe and delicious human foods that even dogs can enjoy: Peanut butter Not just us, even dogs can’t get enough of peanut butter. Fortunately, it is safe for dogs and contains nutrients like healthy fats, vitamins B and E, protein, and niacin. However, it is high in fat and calorie content, so overindulgence can lead to health issues. Also, plain peanut butter that does not contain added sugar, salt, or artificial sweeteners, should be offered to dogs. Chicken Cooked chicken, without bones and spices, can be a perfect meal for canines. It is one of the best sources of protein, making it one of the most common ingredients in dog foods. Cooked chicken bones should never be given to your pets as these bones can splinter and lead to choking. Carrots Carrots can be your go-to choice for veggies that can be shared with dogs. Chewing on bite-sized pieces of carrots can help remove plaque from their teeth. As the vegetable is rich in vitamin A, it can boost your dog’s immune system as well as improve the appearance of their skin and coat. You can feed your dog raw or cooked carrots in bite-sized or chopped portions to avoid choking. Salmon As long as it’s cooked and boneless, salmon is safe and even healthy for dogs. As a fatty fish, salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that can reduce inflammation and help maintain canine skin and fur.
Best and worst foods for age-related macular degeneration

Best and worst foods for age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is an eye disease that affects the macula, a part of the retina at the back of the eye. The disease becomes worse over time and leads to blindness. While foods cannot correct macular degeneration-related vision changes, certain foods can help slow vision loss and maintain eye health. Similarly, certain foods are bad for eye health. Some of the foods to eat and avoid are as follows: Foods to eat Here are some of the best foods one can eat to combat macular degeneration: Salmon This fatty fish is high in two types of omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA. These fats help fight inflammation, which is thought to play a role in the disease. In addition, they can also help reduce bad cholesterol levels, which are associated with the development of this eye condition. Besides salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, and tuna, are also high in omega-3s. Spinach Among other beneficial nutrients, spinach contains plenty of carotenoids, especially lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids are also found in the macula, where they help protect the cells necessary for vision. A great way to boost the number of carotenoids in the eyes is to load up on spinach and other leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and broccoli. Chickpeas Every meal plan for good eye health contains at least one good source of zinc, like chickpeas. Zinc helps supply vitamin A to the retina, assisting in the production of a pigment that protects the eye. The mineral can slow the rate of degeneration of the macula in people with the disease. Plus, it can improve overall eye health. Carrots Carrots have long been touted as beneficial for the eyes, which isn’t untrue. These brightly-colored veggies are chock-full of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that decreases the risk of eye conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts.
10 foods to a brighter glowing skin

10 foods to a brighter glowing skin

Skin care these days has become synonymous with splurging on masks, serums, creams, and massagers. As beneficial as these enriched solutions are, they cannot do it all. One of the main reasons for dull, lifeless skin is improper nourishment. It has long been known that the skin and hair reflect the kind of nourishment our body receives. Read this article to learn more about healthy and nourishing foods for nourished skin: Avocados If we had to pick just one food to maintain healthy glowing skin among the numerous options available, avocado would be it. Its rich and creamy texture provides versatility that helps incorporate the fruit into various recipes. Avocados carry a trusting balance of healthy fats, essential nutrients, and taste. It is truly a superfood that significantly assists in maintaining the skin’s firm and fresh look. Its fatty acid content makes it a natural moisturizer and keeps the skin dewy looking through all seasons. Berries Antioxidants have a bigger picture to paint when it comes to health than we generally give them credit for. The ability of these compounds to help maintain physical, mental, and emotional well-being is unmatched. So is their ability to keep the skin glowing, fresh, and free of blemishes. Including berries, such as blueberries, has been a sure solution to the free radicals damaging your skin. Opting for berries when you have the munchies delivers on a healthy body and mind and gives you unbeatable glowing skin. Papaya Maintaining healthy and glowing skin might seem like a math problem that calls for a lot of head scratching. But, it isn’t, as long as you include healthy fruits and vegetables in your meals. Foods with a high amount of Vitamin C are an absolute must for glowing, age-defying skin. Papaya is one such fruit that carries loads of Vitamin C.
Benefits of probiotic yogurts and popular brands

Benefits of probiotic yogurts and popular brands

Bacteria are commonly perceived as harmful organisms to be avoided at all costs. However, very few know that many of them play a vital role in maintaining our gut health. Probiotics are good bacteria that our gut craves to eliminate the harmful bacteria from our body. Even though several sources of probiotics are available, like fermented foods and supplements, there is no tastier way to include good bacteria in meals than yogurts, as discussed below: What are the key probiotic benefits for the body? Your body, specifically your gut, is composed of trillions of microbes called the gut microbiome. When you eat or drink something, your gut microbiome balance is affected, which comprises both good bacteria and harmful bacteria. When an infection attacks your body, the number of harmful bacteria exceeds the number of good bacteria in your guts. To destroy these bad guys, your body requires good bacteria from external sources. When probiotics from external sources like supplements or fermented foods enter your body, they attack the harmful bacteria to restore the equilibrium of your gut microbiome, making your colon strong and helping your body to fight off infections. Some of the typical disease symptoms that probiotics help in managing include diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and lactose intolerance. This is because they help in disintegrating fibrous foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, and specific fruits. Among the various existing probiotic types, Lactobacillus acidophilus is the most commonly available as well as the most beneficial one. It maintains blood sugar levels, promotes overall digestion, and strengthens your body to fight off yeast infections. It is typically combined with two other probiotics called Lactobacillus casei and Bifidus regularis to make it more effective in enhancing intestinal health. You can also find L. acidophilus in miso, tempeh, cheese and sauerkraut.
7 Early Warning Signs of Ataxia One Should Not Ignore

7 Early Warning Signs of Ataxia One Should Not Ignore

Ataxia is a debilitating disorder associated with the nervous system. The cerebellum, a component of the brain, undergoes damage in this health condition. As this component is needed for movement coordination, individuals with Ataxia show symptoms such as stumbling, falling, speaking in a slurry manner, and not having control over eye movement. Ataxia can be detected and diagnosed at an early stage based on specific early symptoms, which are discussed below. Difficulty with balance and coordination Since Ataxia affects the cerebellum, it causes people with this condition to perpetually experience a feeling of unsteadiness while standing or walking. One may constantly feel that they may fall due to a lack of balance. Apart from that, individuals with this condition may also have difficulty with changing directions or turning, and may frequently stumble or fall while attempting to do so. Moreover, some patients may also face balance-related problems while standing on one leg. Ataxia also adversely affects motor coordination. So, people with this condition lose control of their arms and legs and some other vital muscles. This can cause involuntary movement in a person’s fingers, hands, arms, legs, and other muscles in the body. Slurred speech and swallowing difficulties Among the muscles affected by Ataxia are the ones that aid speaking. Therefore, people with this condition may speak in a slurry and incomprehensible manner. This early indicator of Ataxia negatively impacts one’s ability to communicate with people around them. Unfortunately, communication issues brought about by this health condition directly result in misunderstandings and difficulties in social gatherings and situations. The tongue is a muscle that is vital for swallowing food as well. Therefore, if a person loses control over their tongue, they will find it difficult to ingest food. This holds true for solid as well as liquid foods. All in all, if one faces issues such as difficulties in speaking and swallowing food, they need to consult their healthcare provider immediately.
8 common breathing mistakes to avoid

8 common breathing mistakes to avoid

Breathing is such an involuntary and automatic process that one forgets that, unlike heartbeats, they can control and manage their breathing. One should usually breathe 12 to 20 times per minute. In addition to this, there are other essential things that one needs to be mindful of while breathing. Most people do not think twice about how they breathe, but the following mistakes can affect overall health in the long run: Breathing through the mouth One is supposed to breathe in oxygen through the nose and breathe out carbon dioxide using the mouth. However, breathing through the mouth can affect respiratory health as this does not allow the nose to carry out its functions. The nose is an incredibly complex organ with about 20 functions that actively aid breathing. Some of these are trapping dust particles and pollen grains, steadying the airflow, humidifying the air as it moves toward the lungs, assisting the diaphragm, and producing nitric oxide. By breathing through the mouth, one does not let the nose filter dust and other allergens. Additionally, one tends to breathe in about 2 to 3 times more oxygen than the required amount when breathing with their mouth. Breathing too fast Rapid breathing may seem harmless, but it is one of the common breathing mistakes that can wear out the lungs. Healthcare experts recommend breathing in a slow and calm manner as much as possible. Gentle breathing ensures that a soft wave of air moves through the airways and the lungs upon inhaling. This, in turn, allows the lungs to carry out their job slowly and efficiently, and the respiratory and circulatory systems work in perfect sync without one rushing each other. One should not breathe in any more than 20 breaths per minute. Fast breathing causes the systems to overwork and, resultingly, perform with lesser efficiency than normal.
Unveiling the silent killer – Symptoms of hypertension

Unveiling the silent killer – Symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and rests between beats is higher than the normal range (120 over 80). This changes according to the activities one does throughout the day. Hypertension is known as a silent killer because its symptoms usually go unnoticed until it gets to an advanced stage. Here are some signs and symptoms one should watch out for before it gets too late. Headaches It is normal to get headaches, but if you have persistent and throbbing pain, it may be a sign of hypertension. This is especially noticed when you wake up in the morning. Dizziness One could feel dizzy for several reasons, and hypertension should not be ruled out as the illness causing this symptom. Some people may even experience fainting due to high blood pressure. So be aware of any changes in your body’s normal functions. Blurred vision The eyes contain many tiny blood vessels, which, when subjected to high blood pressure, may lead to rupture of these vessels. It could lead to retinopathy or blood vessel damage. This lack of blood flow to the retina can lead to blurred vision or even loss of sight. Chest pain When one experiences high blood pressure, it can damage the arteries. The condition makes the arteries less elastic, leading to decreased blood and oxygen flow to the heart. This can increase the risk of developing heart diseases like angina, which causes chest pain. Shortness of breath The arteries carry oxygen to the lungs through the heart. When one experiences hypertension, the arteries do not contain enough oxygen to carry to the lungs. This can lead to shortness of breath even in regular everyday tasks. Fatigue and weakness Generally, a lack of energy is a warning sign of hypertension.
7 foods to avoid to manage atrial fibrillation

7 foods to avoid to manage atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib, is a health condition characterized by irregular and rapid heart rhythm. Affecting millions worldwide, one’s lifestyle and nutritional choices can significantly impact the condition. Certain foods and beverages can worsen AFib symptoms, leading to heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and discomfort. Some common foods to avoid while dealing with atrial fibrillation symptoms and to support one’s heart health, in the long run are listed below. Wheat People with gluten intolerance or sensitivity and conditions like celiac disease must avoid gluten-containing foods like wheat and barley as they can trigger inflammation in the body. It can cause the heart’s natural pacemaker nerves to malfunction or impact how they work. To better understand the connection between gluten intake and atrial fibrillation episodes, it is better to maintain a journal. It will help track symptoms and help a healthcare professional analyze if the gluten triggers the condition. People who do not have any diagnosed issues associated with gluten can include gluten-containing foods in their meals without any complications. Salt Salt adds taste to food, but it also adds pressure to the blood flow. For patients with high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, and other cardiac conditions, it is crucial to avoid excessive amounts of salt in foods. It is not restricted to food that is being ordered from eateries or that comes packaged and processed. Increased salt intake can increase the blood pressure of the patient. It increases their risk of experiencing symptoms associated with atrial fibrillation. The recommended intake of salt by the experts is 1500 mg for people with high blood pressure. Coffee A difficult decision for any caffeine lover is to dial back on the amount of coffee they drink during the day. Furthermore, if a person has been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, this is an inevitable decision that needs to be made sooner rather than later.
9 signs of an unhealthy gut

9 signs of an unhealthy gut

Our digestive system plays a crucial role in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients for producing energy. The gut, or stomach as it is called in simple terms, is where food is temporarily stored during the process. Certain harmful foods or lifestyle habits can affect the working of this organ, leading to severe complications in some people. The following are a few common signs of an unhealthy gut to look out for. Constipation or diarrhea An unhealthy gut can change the consistency and frequency of a person’s stools. Repeated cases of constipation (irregular bowel movements) or diarrhea (loose, watery stools) indicate the stomach is facing trouble processing food or experiencing microbial imbalance. Generally, people are advised to see a doctor if these symptoms last more than seven days and the frequency of passing stools rises considerably. Constipation and diarrhea can interfere with a person’s daily routine, so one should not delay visiting an expert. A lack of sleep Insomnia is a health condition where people find it hard to sleep at night. As a result, they feel tired throughout their day, which takes a toll on their productivity. A lack of sleep can result from various reasons, such as depression, anxiety, and cancer. Another common cause is an unhealthy gut. Most of the body’s serotonin, a compound that influences a person’s sleep patterns and mood, is created in the gut. So, when a person has stomach issues, it triggers serotonin imbalance. Consequently, they find it incredibly hard to sleep during the night. Acid reflux Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also commonly known as acid reflux, is a condition in which the digestive system does not work correctly, and, as a result, the digestive juices in one’s gut travel up the food pipe. This causes a burning sensation in one’s throat and upper abdominal area.
7 foods that help fight against Bronchitis

7 foods that help fight against Bronchitis

When you have bronchitis, it’s easy to overeat greasy, salty, or sugary foods to relieve the coughing, breathing, and throat pain. Alternatively, you may decide not to consume anything at all. However, you should take care and watch what you eat as refined carbs and saturated fats might impede recovery. Knowing which foods to avoid and which to eat may influence the severity of bronchitis symptoms. Here’s a list of a few items you should avoid. Foods with preservatives and additives Sulfites, a form of preservative, may aggravate bronchitis. Liquor, dried fruits, pickled foods, maraschino cherries, and lime juice all contain sulfites. Processed and quick meals frequently contain chemical additives, flavors, and colorings. Some bronchitis patients may be susceptible to or intolerant to these artificial components. Gas-forming foods Eating large meals or gas-producing foods strains the diaphragm, especially if you suffer from acid reflux. This can cause chest pains and asthma flare-ups. Beans, cabbage, carbonated beverages, onions, and fried dishes are examples of these foods. Sugar and HFCS Do you enjoy drinking sugar-laden colas? Be cautious. They can be dangerous to your health. Avoiding syrups, candies, and other sugary foods will help to relieve symptoms such as coughing, irritation, and discomfort in your lungs. A study released in the Nutrition Journal in October 2015 discovered a link between consuming soft drinks flavored with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), such as colas, and the incidence of chronic bronchitis in individuals. Read nutrition facts, recognize this ingredient, and eliminate goods sweetened with HFCS, such as bread, cakes, and beverages. Many sweets include HFCS and refined carbs that are deficient in health-promoting elements. If you’re searching for healthier alternatives, fruit can be your best option. Fruits for bronchitis, including berries, oranges, and apples, provide fiber, which slows your body’s absorption of glucose while also being rich in inflammation-fighting minerals.
10 fitness trackers deals to look forward to this Cyber Monday

10 fitness trackers deals to look forward to this Cyber Monday

Fitness trackers are among the best Cyber Monday gifts for people trying to live healthier lives. You get to save money while assisting someone in achieving their wellness objectives. There are several top-notch fitness trackers available, and this year there will be a ton of discounts. Here is a list of the best discounts and price drops available last year. It might be worth checking out, so you know what to expect this year. Samsung Galaxy Watch4 The Wear OS watch to purchase right now is the Galaxy Watch4. There aren’t many Android wearables that can compete with it in terms of performance, a clear, 60Hz display, all-day battery life, and Wear OS 3. You could purchase one for as little as $200 on Cyber Monday, thanks to a $50 discount and a free wireless charger from Amazon. Fitbit Sense Every sensor imaginable is included in the Fitbit Sense, including one for temperature, blood oxygen levels, electrodermal activity (stress), and an ECG to check for abnormal heartbeats. It’s excellent for fitness but even better as a platform for overall health monitoring crammed into a portable smartwatch. Amazon had it listed for $180 last year. Fitbit Versa 3 The Versa 3 might be more your style if you don’t care about the Sense’s EDA stress measurements (and who could blame you?). The style and functionality are virtually identical; however, the watch’s casing is made of aluminum rather than stainless steel. You’ll save some money for that modest compromise because the Versa 3 is expected to cost $180 this Cyber Monday, which is $50 less than its usual cost. Garmin Lily The Garmin Lily provides the fundamental capabilities that the majority of users require, such as activity/sleep tracking, heart-rate monitoring, tracking of blood oxygen levels, and seamless notifications. During the holiday season, you could get it for $50 off.
7 human foods that cats can enjoy

7 human foods that cats can enjoy

Pet owners are extremely protective of their fur babies. They want to ensure that their pets get the best of care and, most importantly, food. Most often, one gets tempted to share the food from the plates with them. But, not all the food we consume is safe for our pet cats. This makes it important to stay informed on the food items that are safe or harmful for cats. Read on to learn more. Whole grain and whole grain foods You can also share whole grain products like brown side, oatmeal, and more with your cat in moderate quantities. Whole grains are nutritionally dense and contain iron, fiber, vitamins, and tons of minerals that can boost your cat’s health. The fiber content can help improve digestive health, while vitamins and minerals can help make their coat healthy and shiny. Cheese Cats across the globe share an intense love for all things dairy. Not only will they enjoy a bowl of fresh milk, but they also love other dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and even butter. When they are born, cats rely on their mother’s milk to survive for the first two to three months. But, as they grow, cats, much like many humans, tend to develop an intolerance for lactose, a protein that is found in milk and milk products. So, if your cat can digest milk and other dairy products without an upset tummy, you could consider giving them small amounts of cheese and even milk. They are rich in calcium and have a high level of protein. Cheese also makes for a great way to provide your pet cat with oral treatments. Poultry Cats are carnivorous animals and enjoy foods such as chicken, beef, and other animal products. As a matter of fact, meat is their natural choice of food for cats.