Natural Factors and Health Conditions that Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis

Natural Factors and Health Conditions that Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis leads to the loss of bone mass and bone mineral density. It causes the bones to become weak and brittle from the inside, making them more porous. Once individuals reach a certain age, the natural process of bone regeneration slows down, resulting in loss of bone loss, especially in the event of physical injury. With osteoporosis, the bones become more prone to fracture even during routine activities like walking, bathing, and standing. Risk factors associated with osteoporosis Various factors increase a person’s chances of developing osteoporosis. Some of these aspects can be modified, while others are hard to avoid. For example, the body absorbs old bone tissues and produces new ones so that it can maintain the strength and density of the bones and, thereby, the structural integrity. As a person grows older, the bone breaks faster than it rebuilds itself. If this breakdown occurs excessively, bone loss progresses to osteoporosis. This disease can affect both men and women but is more likely to affect women after menopause. This happens due to a sudden decrease in estrogen. Here are some unavoidable factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis- Age The risk of developing osteoporosis increases after the mid-30s. This happens mostly with women after menopause. Genetic factors If you have a close family member who was diagnosed with osteoporosis, then there are more chances that you will also have to deal with the same issue. Ethnicity It is said that individuals of Caucasian and and Asian descent have a higher risk as compared to others. This is due to the lack of vitamin D in their body. Reduced sex hormones Lower estrogen levels lead to bone loss. So, reduced sex hormones are also a reason for the onset of this disease. History of fractures If you have a history of suffering too many fractures, it is more likely that you will be diagnosed with osteoporosis.
11 Things to Clarify With a Doctor During a Health Checkup

11 Things to Clarify With a Doctor During a Health Checkup

The COVID-19 pandemic and growing health conditions have made people understand the importance of staying healthy and fit. People search the internet for exercise routines, nutritious foods, and alternative methods to improve overall well-being. But despite following a better lifestyle, certain underlying conditions might trigger health complications. This is why getting a regular health checkup is imperative. One should cross-check certain factors during a checkup to get a clearer picture of their health. Health issue risks Health issues may stem from multiple underlying factors, including gender, age, and genetics. Unhealthy lifestyle habits are another contributing factor to the eruption of unsuspecting diseases. Therefore, one of the first things an individual should ask the healthcare professional, following a diagnosis, is if they are at risk of health issues. It is essential to get an honest opinion from the healthcare expert in this regard. Understanding stress Bringing up depression, stress, or anxiety problems isn’t an easy task. However, asking the healthcare expert about these mental health conditions may contribute to the routine checkup and make a better diagnosis. The patient could work with the doctor to look for new stress-related symptoms, which could help them develop ways to improve their condition. Complications with genetics Sometimes an individual might suffer from the same health conditions as a family member. The illness may occur more than once during their lifetime. Moreover, genetic factors may also play a part in the development of cancers. Such conditions may require closer supervision and additional evaluations followed by treatments. The expert may also suggest frequent tests if one has a family history of high cholesterol. Assessing if certain signs are normal One could be experiencing multiple signs and symptoms that may look normal but are linked to underlying health conditions. Therefore, during the doctor’s visit, they should ask if these signs are normal.
11 period mistakes to avoid for better health and hygiene

11 period mistakes to avoid for better health and hygiene

Periods tend to be synonymous with menstrual pain, cramps, and other symptoms and are a hassle for almost every individual who menstruates. Approximately 80% of menstruating individuals experience period pain at some point. Period management involves several effective strategies and home remedies to alleviate discomfort and ensure hygiene and safety during this time. In addition, being aware of certain common period mistakes can help ensure a more hassle-free menstrual cycle: Changing pads and tampons infrequently Tampons and pads are a hotbed for the accumulation of bacteria, regardless of the amount of flow. Such bacteria can cause vaginal and urinary infections and emit an unpleasant odor. Individuals with normal blood flow should change their pads or tampons once every 3-4 hours, while those experiencing heavy menstruation should do so more frequently. Being dehydrated The body loses more fluids during menstruation than on other days. Thus, it requires more water to perform various functions, including regulation of body temperature and bowel movements, lubrication of joints, and supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells. Lack of water intake can slow down these functions, increasing weakness and fatigue. It is advisable to have a bottle of water handy throughout the day and set reminders if required to take water breaks frequently during one’s period. One may also incorporate other healthy fluids, such as fresh fruit juices, smoothies, soups, and herbal tea, into one’s meal plan to stay hydrated. Using scented pads or tampons While scented pads and tampons may seem like an idea to avoid unpleasant odors, these can cause extreme discomfort, itching, and irritation. Moreover, these products alter the vagina’s pH balance, causing issues like yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. It is best to steer clear of scented menstrual products, using only regular pads and tampons, to avoid menstrual complications. Not having nutritious foods Although period cravings are quite common among individuals who menstruate, it is best to limit junk foods during one’s menstrual cycle, as the body loses vital nutrients through period blood.
7 breathing mistakes to avoid for optimal lung health

7 breathing mistakes to avoid for optimal lung health

Many of us are unknowingly making breathing mistakes, and these could significantly impact our lung capacity and health. Many of us are used to breathing in a way that negatively impacts our respiratory system. Factors like poor posture, breathing through the mouth, and other similar habits can significantly impact our health. To avoid any adverse effects, it is essential to understand and rectify these mistakes for a fuller breath and a healthier set of lungs. Breathing through the mouth Constantly breathing through the mouth is another mistake you need to work on avoiding for healthy lungs. Did you know studies have found that up to 50% of adults breathe through their mouths? The possibility is higher during the morning than at night. It might not be risky in small portions, but if you constantly breathe through your mouth, you must retrain yourself. The nose can filter out toxins, irritants, and other items that are best kept away from the respiratory tract. It also humidifies the air making things easier for the lungs. When breathing through the mouth, you increase the chances of experiencing dry mouth, which can increase the risk of asthma and trigger its symptoms. If you are someone who has learned to breathe through the mouth because your nose is overly congested, you still need to visit the doctor and get it checked. Often people who cannot get rid of nasal congestion have nasal polyps. It is possible to eliminate these obstructions without difficulty if ministered in time. Exhaling partially Not exhaling correctly is one of the most common breathing mistakes you make while exercising. When you are performing strenuous activities, chances are your shoulder and neck are tense. This limits the function and efficiency of the complete respiratory system. The same results from holding your breathing when weight training.
9 unhealthy habits that can harm skin health

9 unhealthy habits that can harm skin health

A person’s skin is a reflection of their lifestyle and the foods they eat. If an individual follows a good skincare routine, such as bathing daily, moisturizing the skin regularly, and drinking plenty of water daily, their skin will remain fresh, soft, hydrated, and, above all, healthy. On the other hand, certain unhealthy nutritional and lifestyle habits are incredibly harmful to one’s skin. Here are some habits that can worsen one’s skin health. Chatting on the phone constantly Most people do not regularly clean or wipe their phone screens, allowing bacteria and germs to accumulate on its surface. On top of that, people spend a lot of time resting their chin or cheek against their phones. It causes the bacteria to come into contact with the skin directly, causing eventual, long-term breakouts and skin infections. Additionally, leaning one’s phone against the face causes friction, heat, and complete or partial blockage of certain blood vessels, leaving the skin in much worse condition. To avoid this, one can use a headset to prevent their face from touching their phone screen. Ignoring moles A mole can be a severe issue; however, most people ignore them, considering they are harmless. Moles are more than just prickly dark spots that one develops during certain seasons. Moles are an indicator of melanoma in people too. Therefore, one should not simply ignore moles on their skin. The right solution to avoid serious health issues like skin cancer is to get a mole screening done at least once yearly by an experienced dermatologist. During such examinations, one must ask the expert to inspect moles in the less-than-obvious skin areas, such as the soles of one’s feet, under the nails, and on the scalp. Eating sugar-rich foods often Foods heavy on sugar have been scientifically found to speed up the aging process, a change that is almost instantaneously visible on a person’s skin.
9 common foods that may worsen eye health

9 common foods that may worsen eye health

The eyes are vital sensory organs that are often considered to be the window to the world. Their health is deeply interconnected with heart and blood vessel health, as they have capillaries that provide oxygen and nutrients to the retina. Over time, with fatty deposits and unhealthy foods, these can become blocked, causing trouble with one’s vision. To maintain eye function and health, one must include healthy foods and avoid those that worsen eye health. Foods to avoid Bread Simple carbohydrates found in foods like bread, white rice, and pasta cause spikes in the glycemic index. Hyperglycemia has been linked to diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. It can also increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the leading causes of vision loss among older people. Foods rich in simple carbohydrates may also increase the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. This may further cause disturbances in one’s vision. Instead, it is advisable to opt for whole-grain alternatives. Processed meat Processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, and  deli meat are packed with high amounts of sodium. This can increase the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) or cholesterol. Over time, it may result in: High blood pressure could cause damage to the retina, affecting one’s vision. This is known as hypertensive retinopathy. Common symptoms include worsening vision, swelling in the retina, lack of blood flow to the retina and optic nerve, and retinal detachment. Hypertension could also lead to the buildup of fluid underneath the retina, known as choroidopathy. In some cases, high blood pressure may also cause blockages in blood flow. This could damage nerves, causing vision loss. It is advisable to limit one’s sodium intake to 2300 milligrams or less per day. Fried foods Fried foods could lead to a rise in bad cholesterol levels (LDL).
10 healthy foods to boost bone health and manage osteoporosis

10 healthy foods to boost bone health and manage osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones in the body, making them brittle. The condition may lead to injuries or fractures even at the slightest fall. Improving bone health is one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis. One can achieve this by following a treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare professional. But to give the bones an additional nutrition boost, the individual should include the foods listed below in their meal plan. Milk Maintaining and retaining peak bone mass for a long period is essential, especially in people at risk of osteoporosis. One of the ways to ensure the bones receive sufficient calcium is through the intake of dairy products like milk. Adults require at least 700 mg of calcium daily to improve bone strength and structure. However, one should be mindful of the type of dairy products they consume. Consult a nutritional expert if one is confused about whether o opt for full-fat or nonfat dairy products. Nonfat options are usually low on vitamins A and D, which are also required to build strong bones. Therefore, if an individual picks dairy products without fat, they must look for options fortified with fat-soluble vitamins. Walnuts Eating a handful of nuts regularly could introduce calcium to the body. Furthermore, the food is also rich in phosphorus – a vital component of bones. Walnuts are also high in magnesium, which is known to help absorb and retain calcium in the bones. Moreover, the food contains healthy levels of potassium that may also complement bone health and fight osteoporosis. Other types of nuts that someone with osteoporosis could include in their meal plans are pecans, peanuts, and almonds. Chia seeds Eating a handful of chia seeds with daily meals could significantly improve bone health and tackle osteoporosis symptoms. The food is rich in fibers and also contains other health properties such as magnesium and phosphorus.
High sugar intake and its impact on the body

High sugar intake and its impact on the body

Excessive sugar intake is a significant public health concern worldwide, with detrimental physical and mental health effects. While sugar is a natural component and a widely used condiment in many foods, its overconsumption, particularly in added and refined sugars, has been linked to various health issues. Even sugar in its natural form should be consumed sparingly. This article explores excessive sugar intake’s short-term and long-term effects and associated health problems. Short-term health issues These health complications trigger flare-ups and worsen the symptoms of illnesses due to sudden changes in blood glucose levels. The impact may be short-term but could be linked to a chronic condition. Here are a few short-term health issues about which one should know: Changes in physical health Physical mass gain is one of the most immediate and visible consequences of excessive sugar intake. High-sugar foods and beverages are often calorie-dense but lack the essential nutrients for metabolism. As a result, many people struggle with overconsumption of calories without feeling satiated. This can contribute to an unnatural increase in body mass, a risk factor for numerous chronic diseases. Blood sugar spikes and crashes Consuming extremely sugary foods causes the blood sugar levels to spike rapidly, leading to a sudden surge in energy immediately followed by a crash. This can result in feelings of fatigue, irritability, and cravings for more sugary foods, creating a cycle of unhealthy eating. Dental problems Sugar is a primary contributor to tooth decay and cavities. Bacteria in the mouth feed on the refined sugar that gets stuck between molars and the gums, producing acids that erode tooth enamel. This can lead to early tooth decay, gum disease, and eventually, tooth loss if not addressed in time. Digestive issues Excessive sugar intake can also disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, potentially leading to digestive problems such as diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.
Macular Degeneration – Best and Worst Foods

Macular Degeneration – Best and Worst Foods

The body goes through various changes, especially those affecting the senses, as one gets older. Here, weakening eyesight is a common phenomenon in older adults, however, it does not have to be inevitable. Age-related macular degeneration is an eye disease characterized by the deterioration of the retina’s central portion. One’s lifestyle and food choices can have a huge impact on eye health. So here are some foods to eat and avoid to maintain strong vision:  Best foods Various foods can help one manage macular degeneration symptoms and keep eye diseases at bay. Here are some great options to consider: Broccoli Broccoli is loaded with vitamins and minerals that could help one deal with eye conditions like macular degeneration. It is rich in vitamin A, which helps fight eye diseases and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. It is also loaded with vitamin K and B vitamins, fibers, magnesium, and potassium, which are essential for maintaining overall health. Blackberries Blackberries contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that help reduce the risk of age-related vision problems. Vitamins B6, C, A, folate, and zinc in these berries can prevent eyesight issues. The fruit also contains a dark pigment called anthocyanin, which protects the retina from sun damage. In addition, it acts as an antioxidant helping fight free radical damage to the eyes. Spinach Spinach is a leafy green that contains vitamin A, fibers, and minerals. Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining eye health and reducing the risk of vision-related issues. As spinach contains an antioxidant called lutein that lowers the risk of macular degeneration.  Carrot Carrots are associated with eye health, as it contains vitamins C and B12 that improve vision. Carrots are also loaded with folate, zinc, and alpha and beta carotenes. Studies have found that those who eat carrots regularly are less likely to get diseases like macular degeneration.  Cranberries Cranberries contain anthocyanin and other powerful antioxidants which support eye health.
7 uncomfortable questions to ask a gastroenterologist

7 uncomfortable questions to ask a gastroenterologist

“Gut health is the key to overall health.” After all, almost two-thirds of our body’s immune system resides in the gut. Whatever a person consumes forms the foundation of their overall health. And even a slight problem with gut health can cause many issues, ranging from skin conditions to poor mental health. However, despite its importance, people often find it embarrassing to openly talk to a gastroenterologist about their digestive health. It is essential, though, for everyone to understand that it is completely normal to ask questions and share things about their health with the doctor. Here are a few common questions about digestive health that people should not feel uncomfortable asking their gastroenterologist: 1. Why do feces have an unusual color? When it comes to digestive health, a lot of people feel uncomfortable talking about their feces and bowel movements. However, not discussing it with the doctor may do more harm than good. This is because if a person has noticed an unusual change in their feces, like its color, it may be a symptom of an underlying condition. Sometimes, the color of feces can also change based on the consumption of certain colored foods, although that is not always the case. A change in the color of feces could be a side effect of irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases, or some infection. And if that is the case, the doctor must know about it. 2. When is the need for an endoscopy? People often get uncomfortable talking about endoscopy because they fear it and might not be ready for it. However, if a person has persistent symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, bleeding, and abdominal pain, they might need an endoscopy. Endoscopy is a medical procedure that involves inserting a flexible tube with a camera into the digestive tract to examine it.
13 Foods for a Healthy Bladder

13 Foods for a Healthy Bladder

The bladder is a critical organ in the urinary tract that stores and releases urine. Any problem in the bladder can lead to discomfort, pain, and even infections. Therefore, it is essential to take good care of this organ. Besides following a healthy lifestyle, adding nutritious foods to the meal plan can contribute to maintaining optimal bladder health. Here are some of the best foods to eat for a healthy bladder. Bananas Bananas are an excellent source of fiber, which can help promote digestive health and lower the risk of constipation. Preventing constipation is necessary because it can cause bladder irritation and increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bananas are also rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that can help soothe the bladder. Winter squash Winter squash and other squash varieties like butternut, acorn, and pumpkin are excellent sources of potassium, which is vital for maintaining kidney and bladder health. High-potassium foods can reduce the risk of UTIs and bladder irritation. Winter squash, in particular, is also low in sodium, which can help lower inflammation and prevent the kidneys from working overtime to flush out the extra salt from the body. Yogurt Yogurt is a good source of probiotics, beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and help promote a healthy immune system. Studies have shown that probiotics can help prevent UTIs by maintaining a healthy balance of microbes in the urinary tract. Green tea Green tea is a great home remedy for the bladder and overall health. It is a rich source of antioxidants that can prevent oxidative damage in the body. But one must drink this beverage in moderation and choose water for better hydration. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and waste products from the body, keeping the bladder clean and healthy. It also helps prevent UTIs that increase the risk of bladder problems.
24 myths about contraception debunked

24 myths about contraception debunked

Navigating the landscape of birth control contraception is essential for anyone seeking to take control of their reproductive health. However, the myths surrounding these methods can lead to confusion and misinformation. Here are some of the common misconceptions about birth control that have been debunked with the facts. By dispelling these myths, individuals can better understand the array of contraceptive options available and select the one that aligns with their unique needs and preferences. Myth 1: Birth control contraceptives cause permanent damage Most contraception methods have not been found to cause any type of permanent damage to reproductive health. Any potential side effects are typically reversible after discontinuation. Myth 2: Using birth control methods leads to hormonal imbalances While hormonal options exist, there are non-hormonal methods, such as barrier devices and fertility awareness-based methods, that provide effective contraception without altering hormonal balances. Myth 3: Only women use contraceptive methods Birth control encompasses a wide range of options for individuals of all genders, including barrier methods and sterilization procedures. Myth 4: Preventing pregnancy is the only goal of using contraception While the primary goal of most contraceptive methods is to prevent unwanted pregnancy, some birth control methods can also help manage certain health conditions, such as heavy menstrual bleeding. Myth 5: Birth control contraceptives do not work after childbirth Depending on the method, birth control can be effective shortly after childbirth. It is important to discuss options with one’s OB/GYN for postpartum contraception requirements. Myth 6: Birth control contraceptives inhibit future fertility With the exception of permanent sterilization methods, most forms of contraceptives are reversible. Fertility typically returns after discontinuation. Myth 7: There are no health benefits of using contraception methods Certain contraception methods can help manage conditions like heavy menstrual bleeding and may even provide protective effects against certain cancers. Myth 8: Contraceptives are immediately effective Even though some methods provide instant protection, others may require a brief period to reach full effectiveness.