10 common side effects of caffeine

10 common side effects of caffeine

Most people love to start their day with a hot, refreshing cup of coffee. Coffee, as everyone knows, is a major source of caffeine in the lives of millions worldwide every day. While caffeine has its positives, one of which is helping people stay awake and refreshed for long hours, daily consumption can be problematic. Healthcare professionals generally discourage people from consuming excessive amounts of caffeine for a whole host of reasons. Anxiety Perhaps the most well-known benefit of caffeine is how it eases exhaustion. This is possible as caffeine inhibits the effectiveness of adenosine, a brain chemical that creates the sensation of exhaustion in individuals. Simultaneously, caffeine also causes the release of a hormone named adrenaline, which brings about increased energy and vigor in caffeine consumers. Unfortunately, when one consumes too much caffeine, these effects are magnified excessively and cause anxiety, rapid breathing, jitteriness, and stress. If an individual consumes caffeine despite developing anxiety, their condition can go from bad to worse. Frequent urges to urinate Consuming too much of any liquid can overwork the bladder and make one visit the restroom more often to urinate, and coffee is no different in that regard. However, caffeine contains chemicals that raise the risk of increased urination. It can stimulate the bladder excessively. In fact, this can cause one of the worst caffeine side effects in the long run: incontinence. Insomnia People mainly use caffeine to stay awake during work or study; however, as with the other side effects on this list, excessive caffeine intake can make it a tall task for people to get enough sleep in a day. Caffeine increases the amount of time one needs to fall asleep. Therefore, people with existing cases of insomnia need to avoid coffee or have as little of it as possible. Caffeine’s effects on a person’s sleep also take a long time to wear off.
9 common foods that are detrimental for teeth health

9 common foods that are detrimental for teeth health

Our teeth help us chew and digest foods, speak clearly, and give the face its shape. So, it is crucial to make food and lifestyle choices that keep the ectodermal organs safe and robust. One way to manage teeth health is by eating foods that serve as natural mouth cleansers. Conversely, individuals should also avoid some foods that may damage their teeth. Thus, here are nine foods to exclude from one’s meals for dental health. Bread Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, bread is usually a staple part of most meals. However, it is also one of the worst foods when it comes to maintaining teeth health. When one chews on bread, the saliva breaks down starches into sugar. Once the bread turns into a gummy paste-like substance in the mouth, it may stick to the crevices between teeth, which could lead to cavities. Therefore, if one wants to eat foods rich in carbs, one should look for less refined options like whole wheat. Whole wheat breads contain lower amounts of added sugars and do not break down quickly. Sour candies Most people enjoy munching on candies following a meal or at other times in the day. But this is one of the worst foods for an individual’s overall health, including teeth quality. Furthermore, sour candy contains varied types of acids that are tougher on the teeth than regular candy. Since they are chewed, the mixture may stick to the teeth for longer periods. Therefore, those who consume excessive amounts of sour candy are at a higher risk of experiencing tooth decay. Instead of sour candy, one could switch to a bar of chocolate, which is much easier to chew and wash away. However, the person should visit a dentist to determine if they should completely exclude sweets from their meal regime.
Foods to be avoided by individuals with schizophrenia

Foods to be avoided by individuals with schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is triggered by a combination of physical, genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. While there is no specific meal plan to treat the condition, certain food changes can help prevent a relapse. Also, schizophrenics are more prone to a variety of physical health issues, which is why it becomes more important to avoid certain foods. Here is a list of foods to be avoided by people with schizophrenia. Foods to be avoided by schizophrenics Gluten Gluten sensitivity can worsen mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Switching to gluten-free meals can help improve the patient’s condition and make them feel better. People with the condition should avoid foods containing gluten such as wheat, rye, and barley. Refined sugar Consuming foods high in sugar can cause blood sugar levels to spike, impacting mood and impairing memory. Cutting out refined sugars found in candies, cakes, and sweetened beverages might help ease the symptoms of schizophrenia. Foods containing artificial sweeteners Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose, can lead to high insulin levels. Research also suggests that consuming artificial sweeteners can cause behavioral, cognitive, and neurophysiological problems. High-fat dairy products Dairy products are one of the main culprits for inflammation and can worsen mental health conditions, including schizophrenia. Individuals with the condition should consider limiting their consumption of dairy products like heavy cream, butter, and full-fat cheese. Processed vegetable oils According to a 2018 study, the consumption of processed oils such as soybean, canola, and vegetable oils can cause cognitive decline. The inflammation caused by these lesser-quality oils has been linked to mental health conditions and schizophrenia. Foods high in trans fats Foods such as potato chips, pizza, and fast food are high in trans fats. Their regular consumption causes inflammation, affecting mental health and preventing the production of omega-3 fatty acids that help improve brain function.
9 drinks that help manage constipation

9 drinks that help manage constipation

Most people who suffer from constipation, occasionally or regularly, may find the condition undeniably uncomfortable. Occasional constipation may occur when waste moves from the digestive system slower than usual, which causes it to build up, turn hard and dry, and make stool difficult to pass. There are multiple prescriptions that can help offer relief. A healthcare expert may also recommend these eight drinks to help relieve constipation in combination with treatments. Prune juice One of the most popular choices to relieve constipation is prune juice. An 8-ounce glass of fruit in liquid form contains close to 3 grams of fiber, which makes up about 10 percent of an individual’s Daily Value (DV). As for its benefits, the fiber content derived from prunes helps bulk up stools. Furthermore, the fruit is also rich in sorbitol, which assists in softening the waste matter, making it easier to pass. Since the juice is best enjoyed in its natural form, one should put about 5-6 pieces of the fruit in a bowl and soak it in a quarter cup of hot water for 30 minutes. After this, they need to blend the contents of the bowl, cool it down, and drink the juice. Apple juice Drinking apple juice may serve as a very gentle laxative for people with constipation. Healthcare experts often recommend the remedy for children because of its high ratio of fructose to glucose and sorbitol content. A medium-sized apple may offer about 5 grams of fiber, which is necessary to bulk up the stool. Apples are also significantly high in water content, which could help hydration. Staying hydrated is essential for better bowel movements. One could use locally sourced, organic apples to make the juice. They could also use juice apples and mix the contents in smoothies. Lemon juice A glass of lemon juice a day isn’t just refreshing but may also aid in relieving constipation.
Top 5 timeless luxury watch brands to try

Top 5 timeless luxury watch brands to try

Today, you can choose from a number of different brands to get sophisticated luxury watches. These timepieces are more than just accessories, as they can completely elevate your outfit. However, a few brands are timeless and are yet to be replaced by new players. Customers associate style and elegance with these watchmakers and are willing to pay for the quality the brands promise. So, here are a few timeless luxury watch brands: Rolex Founded as Wilsdorf in 1905, Rolex cannot be skipped while listing luxury brands. The brand has excellent recognition around the world, and its name is synonymous with luxury for many. Even the vintage pieces of this Swiss brand are more expensive than many other famous watch brands. However, its popularity is not merely because of the company’s rich history. The timepieces made by Rolex are extremely well-made, incredibly long-lasting, and come with an elegant finish. Further, the brand is famous for its craftsmanship. Besides, the brand prioritizes quantity along with quality as they are known to produce approximately 2,000 watches a day. Some of the most well-received collections of Rolex are Daytona, Sky-Dweller, Submariner, Datejust, Day-Date, GMT Master II, Yacht-Master, and Yacht-master II. Audemars Piguet Founded in 1875, Audemars Piguet is not only one of the earliest players in the luxury watchmaking industry but continues to be at the top of its game. The collection that brought them into the limelight was the AP Royal Oak series. It was launched in 1972 and soon gave a new direction to the history of watchmaking. This series was so unconventional at that time because it could offer premium prices even after using a non-precious metal like stainless steel. This series proved that you do not need gold to make luxurious watches; expertise and the use of the latest technology can equal the cost of any precious material.
Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

Tips to prevent and manage prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland found in males. When unhealthy cells start to grow and multiply abnormally in that area, it leads to prostate cancer. There are various types of cancers that develop in the prostate gland, like small cell carcinomas, transitional cell carcinomas, sarcomas, and neuroendocrine tumors. It is essential to learn the signs and symptoms for timely treatment. Here are some ways of managing the condition and preventive methods to reduce the risk: Treatment options There are several treatment options available to manage prostate cancer, and each of the options has its possible risks or side effects. After a careful diagnosis and discussion with a health professional, they may suggest one of these: DR-TEST Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) is a test in which the doctor inserts a lubricated and gloved finger inside the rectum to examine the prostate by touch. If they find any abnormalities in the prostate, the doctor can immediately suggest any more tests and make a treatment plan. Xofigo This is an invasive treatment option advised when other options like hormonal or surgical methods have not been successful in lowering the testosterone levels in the body. It is also used when cancer has specifically spread to the bone and no other parts of the body. Enzalutamide This product is known to be an androgen receptor inhibitor, which means that it helps in blocking the effects of androgen, a male reproductive hormone, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This is also used when a patient has tried other treatment options without any success. This is not used at the primary stage. Observation or active surveillance This means monitoring cancer closely to provide the right kind of treatment. It involves a doctor’s visit every six months for a prostate-specific antigen blood test and DRE. Surgery This method involves surgically removing the prostate gland, the surrounding tissue, and some lymph nodes to prevent any potential cancer cells from the nearby tissues.
7 foods to avoid for a Crohns flare-up

7 foods to avoid for a Crohns flare-up

Crohns disease is an inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract that mainly occurs in the colon and the small intestine and can affect any part of the GI tract. It causes sudden and painful symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, cramps, bloody stool, and fatigue. While food doesn’t cause Crohns, it can perhaps worsen the disease by leading to flare-ups. Here are some foods one needs to avoid if they are experiencing discomfort due to Crohns. Grains Grains contain a lot of fiber, which can worsen the symptoms of Crohns. This is because a high amount of fiber can make your intestines work harder. This makes the normal digestive process difficult, leading to abdominal pain, cramps, and even bloating. Avoid eating whole wheat bread or pasta, rye products, and barley to prevent these painful symptoms. Spicy foods Regarding the worst foods for Crohns flare-ups, spicy foods rank among the top. Most foods with spices are rich in capsaicin, which causes a burning feeling inside your mouth and stomach. These include chili, paprika, pepper, nutmeg, clove, and mustard. Capsaicin increases the level of acids in your stomach and may worsen symptoms, such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and acidity. Fibrous fruits and vegetables Like grains, fibrous fruits and vegetables don’t get digested easily, and can cause constipation and cramps – typical symptoms of Crohns flare-ups. However, you don’t need to avoid vegetables and fruits altogether. For instance, you can have cooked veggies instead of consuming them raw. For fruits you can limit your intake of apples with skin, cherries, peaches, and plums. You should also avoid cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli. They are not only high in fiber, but can also cause flatulence, leading to a double whammy for an already irritated intestine. Nuts and seeds Foods such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc., are more complex for your body to break down even on regular days.
14 Foods to Eat for Better Lung Health

14 Foods to Eat for Better Lung Health

Our lungs play a vital role in the functioning of our body, so it is crucial to care for them. Increased exposure to air pollutants, microbes, and allergens can cause inflammation in the airways and lead to breathing trouble. These pollutants can also increase the risk of severe respiratory problems like asthma and chronic bronchitis. One way to keep the lungs healthy in the long term is to eat foods that help them function better. Apples Apples are packed with the antioxidant quercetin, which helps keep the lungs healthy. This red fruit also contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and flavonoids, which promote lung function. People who eat apples regularly have an improved lung capacity and experience a slower decline in lung functioning that occurs naturally with age. Peppers Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects against certain lung diseases like asthma and lung cancer. This vitamin is abundant in red bell peppers, chili peppers, and cayenne peppers. Cayenne peppers, in particular, are also a great source of capsaicin and beta-carotene. One can add these peppers to salads or pasta to benefit from vitamin C and antioxidants. Beets This root vegetable is loaded with nitrates, a natural chemical that may support lung health. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in the body, which helps relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and improve lung function. Due to these benefits, beets are recommended for people with pulmonary hypertension and breathing difficulty. Tomatoes Tomatoes contain lycopene, an excellent source of carotenoids that have numerous health benefits. According to a particular study, adding tomato and tomato products to meals can reduce airway inflammation in individuals with asthma and improve lung function in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It can also prevent chronic bronchitis from flaring up. Further, eating tomatoes regularly may help slow down the natural decline in lung function that occurs as a person ages.
Foods and Beverages to Avoid Before Flying

Foods and Beverages to Avoid Before Flying

Dealing with an upset stomach is one of the common concerns most travelers have while boarding a long-haul flight. Whether a person is traveling domestically or internationally, it is common to have an upset stomach, and sometimes, the symptoms may flare up, making it embarrassing for travelers to explain. To avoid such challenging scenarios and prevent health complications, here are some common foods and beverages to avoid having before boarding flights. Dairy products Long-haul flights, lasting more than 6 hours, can negatively affect one’s digestive system. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are some common issues people experience with an upset stomach. It happens because the stomach contents get churned up with changes in altitude and cabin pressure. Furthermore, people who are lactose intolerant won’t be able to digest the sugars found in dairy entirely. This indigestion will lead to gas and bloating. Therefore, avoiding consuming dairy products on or before boarding a long-haul flight is best. Travelers must avoid fatty milk, cheese, milk curds, baked goods, and processed snacks made with milk or yogurt as the main ingredients before taking a flight. Cruciferous vegetables Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage may be nutrient-dense. However, avoiding these items before boarding a flight is advised, mainly because these vegetables can cause gas. Even at cruising altitude, the plane will adjust course and height. These adjustments trigger changes in the cabin air pressure, and the body will find it hard to process these foods. As a result, one might develop bloating and nausea. During long-haul flights, it might be hard to hold in the gas for hours, which could very well turn into an embarrassing situation. Beans Beans are notoriously known for causing bloating in mid-air. Like cruciferous vegetables, beans, when digested beans release gases that expand in the stomach. Also, altitude adjustments can churn up the stomach’s contents, which further causes abdominal discomfort.
Common Foods that Cause Tooth Decay

Common Foods that Cause Tooth Decay

Certain foods have a significant impact on teeth and gums. Some foods promote healthy gums, while others cause plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and enamel erosion and lead to the development of cavities. This causes several complications, such as pain, chewing problems, and tooth abscesses. Here are the top foods that can hamper oral health and must be avoided at all costs. Sour candies It’s no surprise that candies cause tooth damage. However, sour candies contain several different acids that adversely affect your teeth. They are also chewy and sticky, which means they stay around in your mouth for a longer period, causing more damage. If you are keen on having something sweet, opt for a softer piece of chocolate that you can chew and ingest quickly and wash off any remnants from your mouth. Bread Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice can worsen oral health. When we chew on these starches, the saliva converts them into sugar, which can get stuck between the teeth and cause cavities. If you’re looking for carbohydrates, opt for whole wheat bread, as they typically contain fewer added sugars. Carbonated beverages Sugary, carbonated drinks like soda and sports beverages have several negative effects on one’s health, such as cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and more. They also negatively impact the health of the teeth in two distinct manners. Not only are these drinks acidic, but they also promote acid production in the mouth by fostering cavity-causing bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans. According to various studies, soda is considered one of the main lifestyle factors behind dental erosion. It is best to avoid drinking carbonated beverages as much as possible. Ice Chewing on hard substances like ice can cause chipped, cracked, or broken teeth or loosened crowns.
11 Foods That May Trigger Epilepsy

11 Foods That May Trigger Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that can cause recurring seizures. Today, there are different types of epilepsy where the cause of some is known, and for others, the causes haven’t been identified yet. This condition is quite common. It can affect people across genders and ethnic backgrounds. According to estimates, 1 in 26 people develop the condition. Fortunately, there are treatments available to control the seizures. This can include avoiding trigger foods. Foods that can trigger or worsen epilepsy In most cases, symptoms of epilepsy depend on the type of seizure. This is because the condition is caused due to certain activity in the brain. However, making certain lifestyle changes can help control the symptoms. Hence, here are some foods that can trigger or worsen epilepsy and its associated symptoms. Bananas While bananas have a variety of health benefits, their potassium content can cause health issues for people with epilepsy. Excessive consumption of the fruit can lead to high potassium levels in the body. This can give way to periodic seizures that can affect the quality of life of the patient. Therefore, patients are suggested to consume the fruit in fewer amounts or avoid it altogether. Coffee Caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea often trigger an overactive central nervous system ( CNS). Furthermore, according to the Epilepsy Society, drinking high amounts of coffee can increase susceptibility to seizures. Hence, one must either consume coffee and other beverages in moderation or steer clear of them entirely to avoid triggering epilepsy-related seizures. Monosodium glutamate Also known as MSG, monosodium glutamate is often used in processed foods as an additive. This food additive, either singularly or in combination with others, can lead to excessive nerve cell firing. Hence, MSG can be considered one of the top triggers for neurological conditions like epilepsy, Parkinson, and more.
10 Unhealthy Habits That Damage the Teeth

10 Unhealthy Habits That Damage the Teeth

It is common knowledge that teeth are one of the most vital parts of the human body. They help chew food, enhance smiles, give the face a balanced appearance, and more. This is why it is essential to maintain good dental habits and eliminate the bad ones. While brushing one’s teeth daily, flossing, and avoiding sugar-heavy foods, are some good habits, here are some unhealthy habits that damage the teeth: Brushing vigorously As specified earlier, brushing is good for the teeth. However, many people go overboard with their effort to brush their teeth. Vigorous brushing leads to tooth enamel wearing out and gums receding, resulting in progressively sensitive teeth. To avoid these outcomes, one must be gentle on their teeth and gums while maneuvering their brush from one end to another. Biting nails When stressed out, people are more than likely to bite on their nails even without realizing it. Nail-biting is bad for one’s dental health for a host of reasons. For one, this habit transfers all the germs and bacteria from one’s hands into their mouth. Apart from that, biting one’s nails is a surefire way to damage and break the teeth over a period of time. What’s more, when a person bites their nails regularly, they are putting a lot of pressure on their teeth, causing them to subtly move around. When all the other teeth also get displaced due to this, a person’s smile and overall appearance are adversely affected. In addition to all these issues, biting on the nails too hard can place a lot of pressure on one’s jaw, causing issues such as jaw dysfunction and TMJ disorder. While kicking this habit of biting nails is hard, one must try to do other things: squeezing a stress ball, writing out their thoughts in a diary, or taking a cold shower, if possible, when they feel overly stressed.